One week down/Interfaith Fast for Peace
It hardly seems possible, the first week of Ramadan has drawn to a close. One quarter done. Already the kids are excited about Eid... and presents. This year, my mom is going to be in town during the last ten days of Ramadan and for Eid.
It should be interesting sharing this time and the various rituals of Ramadan with her. Maybe we'll even convince her to fast part of a day with us! She really hasn't been around much during Ramadan before, though we have shared a few Eids with her, much as we have shared a few Christmases with her and my dad.
One worthwhile event that will be taking place during her visit is the Interfaith Fast for Peace in Iraq. The organizers description of the event is:
We call on all Americans to join in fasting from dawn to dusk on Monday, October 8, to call for an end to the Iraq War. On this day, people of faith in local communities across our nation will act as catalysts to transform the meaning of the day from one of conquest to community and from violence to reverence.Just as Isaiah called the People Israel to hear the Yom Kippur fast as God’s call to feed the hungry, just as Jesus fasted in the wilderness, just as Christians through Lenten fasting and Muslims through Ramadan fasting have focused on spiritual transformation, just as Mohandas Gandhi, Cesar Chavez and others drew on fasting to change the course of history, so we call on all our communities of faith to draw now on fasting as a path toward inner spiritual transformation and outward social transformation.Ending this war can become the first step toward a policy that embodies a deeper, broader sense of generosity and community at home and in the world.
For more information on how to participate in the fast go to: