Full Circle
One of my writers groups, ARS Concordia, has released it's first anthology, Full Circle. ARS Concordia was the brain child of writer, Roy Abrahams. It was started as a safe haven for a bunch of serious writers who were looking for a supportive and sincere networking group where they could receive critiques of their work, advice on all the issues that confront a writer from character development to the hunt for an agent to how to give a book reading. Over the years that group has become a small and close-knit community, largely because of the generous, and positive spirit of Roy.
When Roy suggested that we should release an anthology together, enthusiasm was instant and the process began. Various set backs and delays, as always happen in the publishing world, threatened the viability of the idea. Roy's very sudden and untimely death, galvanized the group to action and one member, Colin Galbraith, stepped up to the plate soliciting contributions, and doing editorial work, to ensure that the anthology would be come reality -- a tribute to the founder of our group who had inspired us all with his unfailing compassion and commitment to excellence in writing.
That anthology was release this week, and is available at LuLu.com:
http://stores.lulu.com/smashingpress. The ebook format is available for free, and a print version is available at cost. No one will be enriched by this anthology other than the reader. We hope that this small tribute to Roy is a fitting remembrance of his vision for a mutually supportive network of writers.