It hardly seems to have been six years already since 9-11. The memory of it -- of watching that second plane crash into the building, of seeing people plunge to their deaths, watching the towers collapse -- still brings tears to my eyes, and disbelief that anyone could perpetrate such an evil deed.
I have written a piece on why this is so totally contrary to the teachings of Islam for OnFaith:
http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/pamela_k_taylor/2007/09/reexamine_your_faith.htmlI just wish there were some way to get this message to the people who really need to hear it.
The deaths, perpetrated in such a horrific manner, were awful, but some days I think even worse was the damage done to the American way of life. The resulting culture of fear and intolerance that has taken over Washington and certain segments of the American populace. The willful and wholesale abandonment of key American principles such as habeus corpus, innocent until proven guilty, freedom from unwarranted searches and/or wiretapping,
disavowal of torture as an interrogation tactic and profiling as a police methodology, the reaffirmation of secret evidence and national security playing a trump card in any sort of check and balance process, have gone far further in advancing the goals of the terrorists than the horrible loss of life and property six years ago.
I hope and pray that America can get back on track. That we can stand up and say, no matter what you do, we won't abandon our values. But I fear that day will be long coming.