Several years back I had PKR done on one eye and lasik done on the other. (I participated in a study and so got one free and the other at a very discounted price.) Since then, I've had a bit of ghosting when I look at lights at night. This is a common enough side effect of eye surgery (and of getting older) and I could control it by looking through the upper portion of my eyes at the object I wanted to view. (Say the full mooon -- looking straight on I'd get a ghostly shadow in the upper right hand quadrant; looking up at it, no shadow).
Well, one day about two weeks ago, that ghost disappeared. And it hasn't come back. Not that I'm complaining. I'm overjoyed. I just wonder if my astigmatism is also gone. I've always felt like that ghost was at least partly attributable to the astigmatism, which in my case, according to the doctor, was greater than it should have been given the shape of my eye.
I'm wondering if there was something floating around, or out of alignment inside my eye, or if my brain just finally figured out how to deal with the altered signal -- took three or four years to sort out what happened after 25 years of near-sightedness.
I'm tempted to go into the license bureau and ask them to test my eyesight just to see if it's gone as well. They'll probably tell me to go jump in the lake, unless I pretend I lost my driver's license...