What the #@!! is Iran doing?
Ok, so you've got the world community breathing down your neck because of your nuclear programme (which may or may not be justified), a cowboy president who has demonstrated that he has no fear of attacking other countries no matter what anybody says who has been rattling sabres at you, a corps of said president's cronies who have been softening up the public of that country to prepare it for an attack on you, and what do you do?
Seize British sailors who were not clearly in Iranian waters and hold them for days.
Of course, that makes sense.... if you are trying to provoke and attack by the US. Why the #@!! Iran would want to provoke an attack on itself, I don't know, but it sure seems like that's what they're angling for.
Do they think it will buy them clout in the region, to have been attacked by the "great satan?"
Don't they care about the potential death toll? Or about the fact that this rogue action will make it all the easier for warmongers to argue that Iran is a loose cannonball and its access to nuclear technology must be shut down, at all costs?
They could have made their point by seizing the sailors and returning them promptly. What use holding them for so long, turning it into a worldwide issues, except to thumb your nose at Britain? Is that supposed to make them look tough?
Someone needs to remind them that bullies don't look tough, they look like cowards hiding behind a show of bravado. And that lives are worth something.