My heart is aching this morning for all the hurt in the world. Why can't we just be nice? Is political ambition really worth killing people? Is money worth trampling over the lives of others? Why can't we all look at the beauty of nature and stop for a moment to realize we aren't all that, that our needs and wants are just a tiny spark in the brilliant bonfire of the universe, and that the best way to keep our spark burning is to help others keep their sparks burning too?
I read a poem this morning that inspired this one (the idea is borrowed, as are the majority of the first two lines)
Keep me in your heart
Keep me not always in your eyes
For I might fall from you as a tear
Keep me not always on your tongue
For I might float away on your breath
Hold me not always in your palm
For I might slip between your fingers
Clasp me not always to your breast
For I might slide away beneath your arms
But hold me always in your heart
For there our every heartbeat
Will echo all our love.
(The original is making its rounds on the sms circuit, and doesn't ever seem to be credited to anyone: It reads: Don't place me in your eyes, I may fall as a tear. Keep me in your heart
So that every heart beat reminds you that someone is there for you always....)