Four Party System
I was listening to a discussion of Rudi Guilani's candidacy today and how he's more liberal positions on certain social issues make him a tough sell to a lot of the evangelicals who control the Republican party.
Coupled with that was the Democrats total wimping out on Iraq, even though they were swept to power in both the House and Senate on a tide of anti-war sentiment. Even though polls show that the American people want our military out of Iraq. Still they wimped before the threat of a Presidential veto. Send him the bill and let him veto it. Then negotiate, don't wimp out before he even gets the bill.
Anyway, those two events got me to thinking how when people talk about how the two party system isn't working well any more, the solution is usually to have a third party. Of course, the third party is usually carved out of the more progressive arm of the Democrats, which is unpalatable if you want to keep Republicans from gaining absolute majorities.
What we really need is four parties. One of the hyperconservatives, one of the moderately conservative, one of the moderately liberal and one of the progressives. That way the Republicans do not stand to sweep the elections due to a divided Democratic party, and there would be comfortable space for candidates like Guiliani.
A four party system might actually be a viable option for fixing the system which has broken down into partisanship bickering, where toeing the party line is more important than representing the opinions of your constituency.