More on the Vice Fund
Forgot to mention the other outrageous piece in the puzzle when it comes to the Vice Fund. This suave guy was promoting it as a great investment vehicle because demand for tobacco, alcohol, gaming products (read casinos), and weapons stays pretty constant no matter what the economy does.
Duh! That's because three of the four are addictive. People can't stop buying them tobacco or alcohol because they quite literally have to have them. Food they can cut back on. Electricty and gas -- keep your house cooler, don't take such long showers, and wear your clothes twice before you wash them. But addicts will send their family to ruin in order to get the products they are addicted to. So too gamblers.
Do you really want to make money off someone else's inability to stop using a product?
And refusing to consider that is supposedly an "unbiased" decision. I'm sorry, that's a moral decision as well as a financial one.