Happy Birthday Noora!
My baby is eight! Thankfully eight is still young enough that they want to listen to you read books aloud to them, to snuggle in bed with you in the morning, to hug you back when you hug them, to sit on your lap in the movie theater, to have you come to school and eat lunch with them, and they dance with joy to see you when you do.
With my oldest getting ready for college, it strikes me that one of the best benefits of spreading your kids out is that the time between snuggling your baby and snuggling your grandkids is shorter than if they were all born within a couple, three years. Plus, you get to focus on snuggling each one. When you've got too many little bitty kids, you never have time for those long, all afternoon reading sessions. Or you have an afternoon reading session, but the kids are squabbling over who gets to sit on your lap and who has to sit next to you, they're elbowing each other, or making faces. One of the earliest rules with my twins was that as soon as they started fighting, they both ended up off mom's lap (or away from my side) until they could live with each other peacably again.
Of course, the disadvantage of spreading your kids out is that if you want to be a stay at home mom, it takes a bigger chunk out of career and potential earnings.