I think every American who does not vote tomorrow ought to have to live five years under a dictator. I'm sure when they return they will never miss an election ever again. The biggest shame of our country is the exceedingly low turnout at the polls.
Obviously, I'm rooting for the Democrats, but more specifically lefty Democrats. Progressive Democrats. I was pleased to be able to vote for a higher minimum wage in Ohio. We need it on a federal level. We need a health care system that is not wildly askew, as ours is now. Heck, we need an economy that is not wildly askew, as ours is now. There is no way a Republican run government is going to fix the economy, and return the notion that America is a land of opportunity for all, not just for the rich to get richer and the poor to get two jobs, or three. Democrats probably won't have the spine to fix it either. We need a serious socialist party to at least move the discourse further left.
I saw a cartoon the other day which really hit home. Bush was standing in line at a retail store, complaining that people weren't happy that the economy added 92,000 jobs last month. The woman behind the counter says, "That's cause we have to get two of them, just to make ends meet."
And that's a sad fact for many people in this country. One job won't support a family. Heck, a lot of jobs won't even support an individual.
Yep, a lot of change is needed. Repeal the torture bill, let the executive branch know it can't willy nilly spy on the whole American populace and get away with it, a resounding NO to indefinate detention without charge, trial, or even access to the "evidence" against you.
Get America back on track. Back to the values I learned were American as a kid. Values I believe most Americans still hold to, even if the government isn't acting that way.