Another Funny Christmas Story
I was driving past a local nursery, taking one of my daughters to the dentist yesterday, when I spied two Muslim women on the porch of the nursery. The nursery is in an old house, and the plants are lined up all around the house (and probably inside, I'm not sure as I've never been to the shop).
Anyway, these two women were on the porch, one standing, the other sitting next to her, presumably on some of the garden furniture for sale at the shop. They caught my eye as they were wearing long, draped scarves, and looked quite foreign, and were staring down the road, as though waiting for someone. It passed through my mind that they must be waiting for a husband or a son or daughter to pick them up from the shop, and that maybe they'd been waiting for some time, as their posture seemed to indicate anticipation or even anxiety. I thought the one sitting must have been an older woman, tired out, ready to go home and wishing whoever was driving her would hurry up and get them.
As I was bringing my daughter home from the dentist, I noticed that the women were still there, still looking down the road, forty-five minutes later. I was thinking maybe to pull in and offer them the use of my cell phone to call their tardy ride when I realized, they weren't women at all, they were Joseph and Mary. Life-sized Joseph and Mary mannequins.
Boy, did I get a good laugh out of that one! Talk about an over-active imagination! Here I had a whole backstory written for two statues!