I think I have a good plot for a horror story... a writer sends out article after article, story after story, novel after novel and the pressure of trying to shape his or her writing to a commercial standard, the anxiety of writing so many cover letters, and the tension of waiting for a response for month after month drives him or her completely insane... Or maybe, the writer ends up in hell and finds out that hell is sitting at a desk filling out submission after submission... and never getting an answer...
I suppose the anxiety of the submission process can be considered a good thing for a lot of reaons...
1) It keeps a lot of the competition from sending off anything, ever.
2) When you get acceptances, it really means a lot since you sweated it out for so long preparing your submission and waiting for the reply.
3) It gives you determination to promote, promote, promote so the next time you submit something, the editors will be eager to publish it even if the writing ain't so great.
4) It develops character. (That or it engenders masochistic tendecies in those who practice it long enough, so you really do start to enjoy it at some point...)