Two weeks Til the End of School...
...and I can't wait! I know a lot of parents who groan when summer rolls around. Bored kids, sibling squabbles, tv on all the time... but I love it.
I love the laid back, if you're bored get outside, if you're fighting one of you stay inside while the other one goes outside, fresh vegetable, reading in the crook of a tree, swimming in the stream, get up late and make pancakes, stay up late and watch distant lightning spar with the tree tops, roller skating, bike riding, ice cream melting long days of summer.
I love the lets go drive all over the United States and see what there is to see, follow old Route 66 from Chicago to Albuquerque, head 18 miles down the dirt road to Chaco, skip across the desert to the lava tubes, and hoodoos, and maybe if we feel like it, we'll get all the way to the Grand Canyon and Crater National Park, then back east across Oklahoma and Texas, all the while listening to Nancy Drew or Brian Jacques on tapes, or singing songs from Fiddler on the Roof and West Side Story at the tops of our lungs, having picnics at the rest area and tenting out in stateparks. And you know, I may not even plan out a timeline for it, when we get there we get there, and when we get back, we get back.
I love not having soccer, or homework, no lunches to make in the morning (though the past year or so my hubby's taken over that job, so I really have nothing to complain about!), no lessons if I don't want to schedule them.
What could be better?!
I can only thank God (and my husband) that my husband has been able and willing to provide for the family so that I can stay home with the kids, do my writing (which bring in some income, but certainly not enough to support a family), and have summers like a tall, sweaty glass of chocolate frappe.