I'm not usually one to get peeved at spam. After all, my mailbox out on the curb comes loaded with junk mail that I toss into the trash without opening it, so too my email inbox. Unfortunately the spam filters aren't perfect, and so I scan my junk mail everyday (give or take.) It takes about the same amount of time as sorting my hard mail, and I've found lots of notes from editors (unknown, strange address) in my junk mail, so I don't dare stop now.
Recently I've been getting a lot of spam with fwd:, (no topic), or (none) listed as the topic. Usually this is from a person who I've never heard of. Naturally, it goes right into the trash bin. But sometimes I wonder -- maybe I'm getting tons of fan mail, and throwing it without even realizing what I'm missing.
After all, what kind of spammer sends mail with no topic, hoping that people will click on it? In this day of virus and email worms, and spam like mountains of spaghetti -- never ending! I guess people who send out spam aren't the brightest stars in the sky, otherwise they'd realize not very many people open junk email, and even fewer buy stuff via junk email, so maybe it's not so perplexing that they don't realize that leaving off a topic for their email sinks their chances of success even further.
The messages I really don't understand are the ones that have gobbledy gook, or look like an exerpt from a story or a news item, but have no explanation, no rhyme nor reason, not selling anything, no viruses attached. What is the purpose of these mails? So they have some spyware imbedded so now they know your email has a real person behind it?
I guess I shouldn't complain, at least they aren't going door to door trying to sell me a Kirby or windows. Nothing worse than live spam...