one, two, three strikes...
You're out! Actually, it's three of my kids who are out... out of school tomorrow with the flu. No doubt, I'll be next. Cause what is the absolute favorite thing of a sick kid? Cuddling with mom, of course. And with three of them crowded in around me, I'm bound to get it.
Saara and I are supposed to go to the opera tomorrow to see the Marriage of Figaro, but if she doesn't improve by about noon, we'll have to postpone till Sunday. I don't think anyone in the audience would appreciate her coughing all the way through, not to mention the lovely colds they'd come down with in a few days' time.
Ah well, I'm looking forward to a day of making onion soup (or maybe chicken noodle), reading books, listening to records (yes, we actually still play those big black things, mostly show tunes). Maybe we'll even have a fire in the fire place. Funny how being sick can actually turn out to be a nice thing...